Submission Guidelines
The North Carolina Law Review is currently closed for spring submissions for Volume 104. We will reopen for fall submissions July 28, 2025. The North Carolina Law Review accepts submissions through Scholastica. We strongly prefer electronic submissions through this system, but the Review also accepts articles submitted via email to the Executive Articles Editor, Ben Stroud ( We also continue to review hard-copy submissions sent to the following address:
Executive Articles Editor
The North Carolina Law Review
UNC School of Law
Van Hecke-Wettach Hall, CB #3380
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3380
Please note that the volume of articles we receive prevents us from responding to every submission.
Publication Guidelines
The North Carolina Law Review welcomes submissions by judges, professors, and practitioners. All submissions should include a cover letter and conform to the 21st edition of the Bluebook. Please note that we only accept student writing from current law students at the University of North Carolina School of Law. We do not accept student pieces from students at other law schools.
In an effort to address the growing length of law review articles, the North Carolina Law Review has adopted a new policy limiting the length of articles we will accept or publish. The Review will give preference to articles under 25,000 words in length (the equivalent of 50 law review pages) including text and footnotes. The Review will not publish articles exceeding 40,000 words (the equivalent of 75 to 80 law review pages) except in extraordinary circumstances.
Expedited Review
In the event you receive an offer from another journal, the North Carolina Law Review will consider expediting review of your article. Please submit an expedited review request either via Scholastica or email your request to the Executive Articles Editor, Ben Stroud ( If you choose to send an email, please include your name, phone number, a short title of the piece, the names of other publications from which you have received offers, and the relevant deadline.
Although the Review will try to meet your deadline, we can offer no guarantees given the volume of requests that we receive. Regrettably, we are also usually unable to perform expedited reviews during our May or December examination periods or during the summer.
Forum Submissions
The North Carolina Law Review Forum is currently open for submissions for Volume 104. The Forum accepts submissions through Scholastica. We strongly prefer electronic submissions through this system, but the Forum also accepts articles submitted via email to the Executive Forum Editor, Joy Aikens ( Please submit an expedited review request either via Scholastica or email your request to the Executive Forum Editor.
The North Carolina Law Review Forum, the journal’s online publication, is a space for quick dissemination of timely articles and op-eds by academics, judges, practitioners, policymakers, and law students, as well as for lively discussion and responses to articles published in the North Carolina Law Review. The Forum is committed to publishing pieces of special importance to practitioners in North Carolina. To that end, we especially invite submissions considering recent developments in the Fourth Circuit and North Carolina law. The Forum prefers submissions between 6,000 and 12,000 words, though will consider longer articles on an individual basis.